I wish you to choose to be the author of your own mental and physical wellbeing at your own pace. Here are some of my wishes for YOU:
Healthier person, mentally and physically
Options about mental and physical wellbeing to come
Learning new ways to be able to develop
Increased awareness of being well
Believing in positive change
Relaxed as a way of life
Improvement in self
Unlimited possibilities
Moving forward in exciting new ways
The aim of my work is to support you in achieving your wishes and discover a way to become the real you.
Along this journey:
∞ I will welcome you in a safe and friendly space;
∞ I will listen to you in all confidentiality;
∞ I will offer you choices;
∞ I will support you through your choices so that you find a space that makes you be well and stay well;
∞ I let you set the pace of your sessions according to your needs and I will be flexible in my response to you;
∞ I will share with you a respectful, non-judgemental and open conversation, verbal and non-verbal (use of hands)
I also value the importance of personal growth and I am mindful of its impact on my own life. That’s why I continue training for my own development which also adds value to my interactions with you along your journey to good health.
You will find a safe and confidential space for you to speak openly about your needs and how they will be met in our work together.
My invitation to you is an open invitation to journey: discover more about your self through your own growth one step at a time.
One step is very often all is needed to improve our wellbeing and bring balance to our life and surpass limits we are creating for ourselves.
We usually are more than what we believe we are.
The incremental small steps I have taken have contributed to my general wellbeing: I am more balanced; I move more easily, more efficiently and with less effort: I have found pleasure in movement; my skin looks better; I allow more time for myself; I am helping myself; I have a deeper connection with my deeper self.
I am gradually improving all the time: I am an improver and I LIKE this idea of constant improvement.
I remember a client coming years ago and stating that because she was in her 70s she had no chance of improving, really. She did improve then and she still improving to her constant delight.
So, get MORE of WHAT YOU WANT, which could be the definition of being SUCCESSFUL. We can get more, all the time and be happi-ER.
I undergo further training every year in reflexoly, in the Alexander Technique and in Tropic skincare.
This can take different forms: reading (books, paper), webinars, workshops, jamborees, Summer school. This further training allows me to gain more knowledge and different knowledge.
As you can see below, I have broadened my knowledge which gives me more tools and more understanding to help clients when they come and see me. It also gives clients the possibility to try new mehtods, to choose the methods they prefer, and to mix methods.
I am always indebted to clients who, over the years, have accepted to take part in the case studies I needed to validate my certificates. As always my clients have shown great patience and I learn so much from them each and every single time. Thank you.
This training also gives me the opportunity to register with professional bodies.
∞ I am a member of the Complementary Health Professionals (CPH),
∞ and I am registered with the Complementary and Natural Health Council (CNHC).
The CNHC (Complementary and Natural Health Council) was set up with governmental support and first opened in 2008. It is a voluntary regulator and has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority of Health and Social Care (PSA).
Therapists, who have met the national standards, can register with the CNHC and their names are recorded in the Acredited Voluntary Register. CNHC registered health practitioners are required to undergo annual continual professional development.
The CNHC has an online searchable register; this link will take you to their database.
CNHC registration is recognised for refund with some private health and cash plan providers. Click on this link to find a list of private health cash plans.
As a business and as an individual I acknowledge that I have a responsibility towards the environment. I am committed to reduce my environmental impact to preserve our resources and take the steps I can to improve my environmental performance with regular review points.
I invite all Wellbeing Improvers to take whatever steps they can as well. Here are the steps I am taking:
I promote better health through the wellbeing services I offer; good health is essential to development on a personal and on a broader level. By doing so, my aim is to contribute to your sustainable happiness, that is to say a
happiness that contributes to individual, community and/or global wellbeing and does not exploit other people, the environment or future generations.(Catherine O’Brien).
In such an instance, the focus is to help you be the best of you you can, and for you to realise all of your potential. Such a purpose requires some work that is rewarded with a deeper and longer-term happiness with the benefit of being good to yourself and to the environment.
Prevention is an important part of what I offer. I offer to prevent the preventable and to manage the manageable. This gives all of us the opportunity to be responsible and to have control, as much as possible, over our own health.
During my sessions I use Tropic products. They are natural and organic products. You can check these products and where they come from: check Tropic products.
I minimize the use of paper in my business; I seek to buy recycled paper and recyclable products; I reuse and recycle paper where possible (use of old schoolbooks; using colourful packages to make cards); I use cotton washable squares for each Wellbeing Improver’s session; My paper work is digitalised and I offer digital vouchers.
Toner cartridges are all recycled and not disposed of in landfills.
I seek to reduce the amount of energy used as much as possible: lights are switched off when not in use; electrical equipment is not left on standby; the kettle is filled with the amount of water required; natural light is used whenever possible; heating is adjusted with energy consumption in mind; I do not use air conditioning or air fragrances.
Cleaning materials used are as environmentally friendly as possible.
Last, reviewed February 2024; Next review, February 2025.
I took my first step and it all started with the anger of a child.
I looked for something that could help our child. This first step led to my becoming a reflexologist after I noticed the positive effects of a reflexology session on our child.
My reflexology training let to me investigating, enquiring and researhing about the Alexander Technique.
Further training in reflexology led me to train in face and hand reflexology.
Training in face reflexology led me to facials and let me to discover organic Tropic skincare products I felt confident working with and that I knew would also benefit my clients.
Tropic skincare products led me to discover more about skin and make-up application.
I run Holibrium and I am a Reflexologist and Alexander Technique Teacher.
I have trained with the Bristol School of Holistic Therapies and have an IEB (International Examination Board) Diploma in Reflexology an IEB (International Examination Board) Certificate in Anatomy and Physiology a Bristol School of Reflexology Diploma in Holistic Reflexology
I have trained with Don Weed in Bristol and have completed six modules in order to qualify as an Alexander Technique teacher: Basic Principles Human Movement: Structure and Function Principles of Personal Development Conceptual Foundations Hands-On I and II Analysis and Design
I completed an Associated Beauty Therapists accredited course in Fashion and Bridal make-up with the Bristol Beauty School.